Secret-key authentication


const string message = "Arbitrary message to authenticate";
var key = SecretKeyAuth.GenerateKey(); //32 byte key

//returns a 32 byte authentication code
var signature = SecretKeyAuth.Sign(message, key);

if (SecretKeyAuth.Verify(message, signature, key))
    //message ok


This operation computes an authentication tag for a message and a secret key, and provides a way to verify that a given tag is valid for a given message and a key.

The function computing the tag deterministic: the same (message, key) tuple will always produce the same output.

However, even if the message is public, knowing the key is required in order to be able to compute a valid tag. Therefore, the key should remain confidential. The tag, however, can be public.

A typical use case is:

  • A prepares a message, add an authentication tag, sends it to B
  • A doesn't store the message
  • Later on, B sends the message and the authentication tag to A
  • A uses the authentication tag to verify that it created this message.

This operation does not encrypt the message. It only computes and verifies an authentication tag.

Random Helpers

public static byte[] GenerateKey()

Namespace: Sodium.SecretKeyAuth

Uses Sodium.SodiumCore.GetRandomBytes() to generate a 32 byte key.



public static byte[] Sign(byte[] message, byte[] key)

//there exists an overloaded version:
public static byte[] Sign(string message, byte[] key)

This is the .NET equivalent of crypto_auth.

Namespace: Sodium.SecretKeyAuth

The Sign() function signs a message with a key.

The key must be 32 bytes, otherwise the method throws a KeyOutOfRangeException.

The function returns a 32 byte signature (authentication code) as a byte array.


public static bool Verify(byte[] message, byte[] signature, byte[] key)

//there exists an overloaded version:
public static bool Verify(string message, byte[] signature, byte[] key)

This is the .NET equivalent of crypto_auth_verify.

Namespace: Sodium.SecretKeyAuth

The Verify() function verifies a message with a signature and a key signed by Sign().

The signature must be 32 bytes, otherwise the method throws a SignatureOutOfRangeException.

The key must be 32 bytes, otherwise the method throws a KeyOutOfRangeException.

The method returns true on success, otherwise false on failure.

Algorithm details

  • HMAC-SHA512256