Secret-key authenticated encryption


var nonce = Sodium.SecretBox.GenerateNonce(); //24 byte nonce
var key = Sodium.SecretBox.GenerateKey(); //32 byte key
var message = "This is an easy example";

//encrypt the message
var ciphertext = SecretBox.Create(message, nonce, key);
//decrypt it again
var message2 = SecretBox.Open(ciphertext, nonce, key);


This operation:

  • Encrypts a message with a key and a nonce to keep it confidential
  • Computes an authentication tag. This tag is used to make sure that the message hasn't been tampered with before decrypting it.

A single key is used both to encrypt/sign and verify/decrypt messages. For this reason, it is critical to keep the key confidential.

The nonce doesn't have to be confidential, but it should never ever be reused with the same key.

The easiest way to generate a nonce is to use Sodium.SecretBox.GenerateNonce() which uses Sodium.SodiumCore.GetRandomBytes() with the proper length.

Random Helpers

public static byte[] GenerateKey()

Namespace: Sodium.SecretBox

Uses Sodium.SodiumCore.GetRandomBytes() to generate a 32 byte key.

public static byte[] GenerateNonce()

Namespace: Sodium.SecretBox

Uses Sodium.SodiumCore.GetRandomBytes() to generate a 24 byte nonce.

Combined mode

In combined mode, the authentication tag and the encrypted message are stored together. This is usually what you want, as


public static byte[] Create(byte[] message, byte[] nonce, byte[] key)

//there exists an overloaded version:
public static byte[] Create(string message, byte[] nonce, byte[] key)

This is the .NET equivalent of crypto_secretbox_easy.

Namespace: Sodium.SecretBox

The Create() method encrypts a message, with a key and a nonce.

The key must be 32 bytes, otherwise the method throws a KeyOutOfRangeException.

The nonce must be 24 bytes, otherwise the method throws a NonceOutOfRangeException.

This method writes the authentication tag, whose length is 16 bytes, in the retuned byte array, immediately followed by the encrypted message.

The method returns a byte array on success, or throws an CryptographicException() on failure.


public static byte[] Open(byte[] cipherText, byte[] nonce, byte[] key)

//there exists an overloaded version:
public static byte[] Open(string cipherText, byte[] nonce, byte[] key)

This is the .NET equivalent of crypto_secretbox_open_easy.

Namespace: Sodium.SecretBox

The Open() method decrypts a cipherText produced by Create(), with a key and a nonce.

The key must be 32 bytes, otherwise the method throws a KeyOutOfRangeException.

The nonce must be 24 bytes, otherwise the method throws a NonceOutOfRangeException.

The cipherText is a combination of an authentication tag, whose length is 16 bytes immediately followed by the encrypted message.

The method returns a byte array on success, or throws an CryptographicException() on failure.

Detached mode

Some applications may need to store the authentication tag and the encrypted message at different locations.

For this specific use case, "detached" variants of the functions above are available.

Note: Because libsodium-net do not work with pointers like libsodium we make use of a DetachedBox object instead:

/// <param name="cipherText">The cipher.</param>
/// <param name="mac">The 16 byte mac.</param>
public DetachedBox(byte[] cipherText, byte[] mac)
  CipherText = cipherText;
  Mac = mac;


public static DetachedBox CreateDetached(byte[] message, byte[] nonce, byte[] key)

//there exists an overloaded version:
public static DetachedBox CreateDetached(string message, byte[] nonce, byte[] key)

This is the .NET equivalent of crypto_secretbox_detached.

Namespace: Sodium.SecretBox

The CreateDetached() method encrypts a message, with a key and a nonce.

The key must be 32 bytes, otherwise the method throws a KeyOutOfRangeException.

The nonce must be 24 bytes, otherwise the method throws a NonceOutOfRangeException.

The method returns a DetachedBox on success, or throws an CryptographicException() on failure.


public static byte[] OpenDetached(byte[] cipherText, byte[] mac, byte[] nonce, byte[] key)

//there exists some overloaded versions:
public static byte[] OpenDetached(string cipherText, byte[] mac, byte[] nonce, byte[] key)
public static byte[] OpenDetached(DetachedBox detached, byte[] nonce, byte[] key)

This is the .NET equivalent of crypto_secretbox_open_detached.

Namespace: Sodium.SecretBox

The OpenDetached() method decrypts a cipherText produced by CreateDetached(), with a mac, key and a nonce.

The mac must be 16 bytes, otherwise the method throws a MacOutOfRangeException.

The key must be 32 bytes, otherwise the method throws a KeyOutOfRangeException.

The nonce must be 24 bytes, otherwise the method throws a NonceOutOfRangeException.

The same exceptions will be thrown on the overloaded version which used the detached object.

The method returns a byte array on success, or throws an CryptographicException() on failure.

Algorithm details

  • Encryption: XSalsa20 stream cipher
  • Authentication: Poly1305 MAC